by bidbertiser

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Free Software to Open MS Word and Excel Password

ntuk secure the documents, we often protect documents with passwords. For security reasons, we give a different password on every document, so the frequent occurrence of data that we store too safe until we ourselves can not open it because of forgotten password.
To overcome this, we can use a password reminder software. One of the software which we can use are the Free Word / Excel Password Recovery.
free word excel password recovery 300x182 Free Software to Open MS Word and Excel Password
How to use the software is quite easy opening passwords, which are:

* Determine the file MS word / excel password will be sought on the tab "select file"
* Select the dictionary to be used in the tab "dictionary recovery." This dictionary will help you find the password of the words that are stored in this dictionary. Click next.
* Click the brute-force recovery, specify the characters that you might use in their password. Determine the approximate length of your password. Try rangenya do not be too long because the combination will be more numerous and the process becomes old. Better little by little. Click Next
Now you just wait for the software to find password word file or excel you. Good luck.

How to Prevent and Remove Virus Guardian

The last few days there are some customers who complained Babeh phone can not receive and send sms. Previously, they received an sms from cell phone telkomsel form of notification if the virus guardian. Actually, the SMS as it has often complained that other customers, but until the last few days I have found no complaints phone can not sms Babeh think so at first it was just simply a warning notice that is not too serious.
remove virus sms guardian with Fexplorer How to Prevent and Remove Virus GuardianSetelah Babeh telkomsel check into the website, it turns out there is a guardian sms virus. Even they have prepared a tutorial how to remove viruses guardian. It turns out that late information Babeh hehehehe ..
Actually what's guardian shi virus?
Virus SMS Guardian is a mobile application that automatically sends an SMS to the number +33 xxxxx ririskiky continuously, but SMS is not displayed on the menu so that the sent items on the mobile phone owners do not realize that they were exposed to mobile phone sms guardian of this virus.
Until now there has been no complaints pulse is reduced because of the virus. New mobile phone users realize their phone klo virus after receiving an sms from Telkomsel.
Sms delivery conducted on an ongoing basis is what makes a server becomes overloaded sms so that large providers such as Telkomsel feel the need to intervene. So to speak.
Apparently not only Symbian mobile phone users who get this virus sms mobile phone although they are not exposed to the virus. This may happen because before they ever move them to a mobile phone sim card simbian affected by the virus so that they miss out sms. But do not be afraid, after less than 3 days, if they do not move the chip into mobile phone sim card they will be affected by the virus simbian tsb, sms notification of the virus would stop really.
There are several ways to prevent contracting the virus guardian and mobile phone viruses in general:

* Do not be too often mindah install or transfer the memory card from another phone, if it had, make sure the memory card and mobile home are not exposed to the virus.
* Do not accept Bluetooth connections from other devices we do not know or do not we ask. More safe, just turn on bluetooth devices at the time we need.
* If you need to exchange files, photos or applications with friends, make sure that our friend's cell phone was not exposed to the virus.
There are several ways you can do to remove the virus Guardian:

* Using FExplorer application
Usually builders already include the contents of the application of this mobile application, if there is not have, please download the installer FExplorer for symbian version 1 and 2 here, while for symbian 3, can download the installer FExplorer here.

* Using Y-Browser application
Y-Browser Installer application can be downloaded here.

* Using the X-Explore application
The installer can be downloaded here.
In essence, the same way is to look for a file or folder that has the name of the guard * use the find or search menu. After the meet, delete those files.
For step by step tutorial complete with illustrations and pictures, can be downloaded here.

Convert PDF files to DOC Without Installing Software

Yesterday, the story, which is still high school Babeh nephew to task for making paper. He cari2 article to make his paper on the internet and he got the article in pdf file. He was confused because the file can not be edited, so he asked Babeh software for file conversion from PDF to Word. Actually there are a lot of shi conversion software pdf to doc, but they will be khan must download software and install it, but just using that once or twice.
Instead we rarely bother to install the software that we use and just menuh-Menuhin ujung2nya hard drive and make windows so slow, it is better we use the online pdf conversion facilities are widely available on the internet. One online service that is easy to use and free in
pdf converter Convert PDF file to DOC Without Installing Software
Here, we simply insert insert pdf file that will convert by clicking browse and select the pdf file in question. We can also include files that are converted directly from a web address where we download the pdf by choosing the option "convert from url."
We also can choose the format conversion results in the form of doc, xls or rtf by selecting an option on the "output format."
Enter password pdf file if that file is protected by a password, otherwise, the password field dikosongi only. Then fill in our email address to get the download link or put a tick in the column to attach files to e-mail notification email attach file conversions.
After that, click convert, and we are just waiting for an email that contains file conversions.
Easy right?!
For those who do not have a PDF file for practice, can directly search and download from the site search download pdf. Pdf search engine site, we can find a pdf file or Microsoft Word document like word, excel, power point or video file.

Install Ubuntu 9.04 on Toshiba Laptop TVW

Previously, Babeh are loyal users of Windows XP, since the first appeared until now, since the pirated sampe pake behind Stand up for the original purchase. Actually I have long been interested in Linux but do not know how to choose the most suitable linux distro and most easy to use for beginners and gaptek like me (glancing Kang Suwung). After asking directions from Kang Pradna and get support from Kang Endar, I finally decided to install a linux distro Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope on the lepi leptop battered my favorite.
In order not to forget, I documented how to install Ubuntu 9.04 on Toshiba laptop TVW how beginner, who knows also be useful for others.
Step-by-step installation of Ubuntu 9.04 I did is as follows:

* Setting up a CD distro Ubuntu 9.04. If you do not have, please download the ubuntu distro first.
* Prepare the partition to be used for installation of linux, if you can 1 partition for linux and 1 partition for the swap partition for linux I use 10 GB and 2 GB swap partition.
* Boot using the Ubuntu CD. Select the language to be used.

Here I started to find the error. Apparently Toshiba Laptop TVW less friendly with Linux (though at paketannya Linux recovery CD included). Laptop fails to boot, blank.

Having read here read there, obviously I must mencontreng and nolapic noapic at the boot option to (press F6 - other option). After that, booting went well.

* Once inside the Ubuntu live CD, click install, after it emerged linux installation wizard which consists of 7 steps.
1. Specifies the language to be used
2. Determine timezone
3. Specifies the keyboard layout
4. Specifies the partition to be used for installation of linux.

This step is the most vulnerable, should be careful.

There are 3 options, (1) Install Side by Side, (2) Use Entire Disk, and (3) Specify the partition manually.

Because I had prepared a special partition, select the option to (3). Next, determine the linux partition and swap partition.
prepare partition 300x288 Install Ubuntu 9.04 on Toshiba Laptop TVW
5. Fill out the information about Who Are You.
6. Migration documents and settings from the operating system already installed previously.
7. Ready to Install.
Wait for the process is completed, and taadaa .. The penguins gedutpun finally going out with my lepi
dance Install Ubuntu 9.04 on Toshiba Laptop TVW
In conclusion:
Jaunty Jackalope is one distro Ubuntu is user friendly and relatively easy to use. Even a beginner like me who are blind at all with linux can taste it.
Last but not least, the mature suwun for Kang Kang Endar Pradna and love that already support for this trial.

Recovering Photos from Memory Card Formatted

Yesterday, Babeh time googling to find ways to overcome damage to the LCD display, rather than how to solve it is found, even Babeh find Art Plus Digital Photo Recovery, free software to restore or restore photos. doh Recovering Photos from Memory Card Formatted
Instead of just kept brain, just posted better, who knows no friend, relative or visitor of this blog who need them.
Photo Recovery Recovering Photos from Memory Card Formatted
Recovering Photos from Memory Card Formatted
Art Plus Digital Photo Recovery can restore lost photos from memory card to be corrupted or accidentally deleted or formatted. Some of the advantages of the Art Plus Digital Photo Recovery:

* This software can be used for various types of memory cards.
* You can read the corrupted memory cards, even memory cards (memory card) which can no longer be read by Windows.
* Can restore photos from formatted memory cards.
* You can restore a variety of image files like JPG, TIF, DNG, Canon CR2, Konica-Minolta MRW, Nikon NEF, Olympus ORF, Pentax PEF, Sony ARW, SRF and SR2 and also a wide range of RAW files that have not been fully supported by this software .
Download Art Plus Digital Photo Recovery
Hopefully useful.
Logo Art Plus Digital Photo Recovery is not free anymore, so with a very forced, we remove the download link and we also do not provide a license for the software. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank You.

Practical Tips for Choosing an Internet Service that is suitable for you

The increasing needs of internet for everyday purposes we need to consider making the installation of internet connection at home or at our office. The number of ISPs are available and still high cost of Internet connections in this our beloved country, requires us to carefully choose the right internet services for you.
There are various kinds of Internet connections are most often used, including:

* Telephone Cable
* Cable Modem
* Fiber Optics
* WiFi (802.11a/b/g)
* WiMax (802.16)
In addition there are many other types of connections that are not Babeh mention here because we are not going to talk to technical problems. This time we'll talk about practical tips for choosing Internet service.
In general, ISPs offer packages based internet connection time (time based) and are based on volume (volume / content base). The package is a package of time-based internet connection which bases its calculation of tariffs based on the duration Internet connection without considering the amount of data that we download or upload us, while package volume is a packet-based Internet connections are based calculation of tariffs based on the number of volumes of data that we use without considering the duration or time we use the internet connection.
In addition, the ISP also offers a variety of ways or subscribe system. Some offer a monthly subscription system or post-paid and some are offering prepaid system. Parcels ditawarkanpun diverse, there is a package with a quota of time, volume, and some are offering unlimited package.
So that we can choose the right internet services for us, we need to consider several matters, among which are:
1. Internet Usage
We must consider the needs, goals and our surfing habits. Do we often use the Internet for browsing, blogging, chat, check email or to download and upload data with large volume. If we more frequently use the Internet for browsing, blogging, chat, or check email, perhaps we could consider using the volume-based Internet service due to the volume of data that we download and upload relatively small but the length of time it takes relatively long time. If you frequently use the Internet to download and upload data or frequent use of online video streaming service or tv online like YouTube, Metacafe, google video or something else, it's good we use time-based internet services because these services do not consider any number of volumes of data we download and upload.
2. Internet Users
In addition to Internet usage, we also need to consider the user's Internet connection that we use. If the internet connection they will be our own use, perhaps we had better choose the internet service package with a small bandwidth because of the greater bandwidth Internet connections, will usually be followed by the more expensive regular connection.
3. Usage Frequency
The frequency of usage we need to consider. If we use high frequency and tend to be constant every month, it helps us to consider post-paid subscription Internet connection because the fall is usually cheaper, but if the frequency of use we are not too high and tend to be constant every month, perhaps we could consider using the internet connection pre-paid.
4. Mobility Internet Usage
Mobility Internet usage is also an important consideration. If we are more likely to use the internet connection at work or at home, we had better use the internet connection that is fixed, such as telephone cable, ADSL or fiber optics because it tends to be more stable. But if our activities require us to mobile, we would prefer to use mobile internet services provided by many ISPs are working with mobile phone providers and ISPs are held by the provider's own mobile phone in the form of GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 3.5G , HSDPA (GSM) and EVDO (CDMA), or we can also take advantage of WiFi service in locations covered by hotspot services both free and paid.
5. Initial Investment Tools
The initial investment of equipment is also very important for us to consider. To establish an internet connection takes a variety of equipment that would not want to be provided, such as telephone connections, modem, router, antenna and so on. We must consider carefully how our equipment initial investment compared to the rate of Internet connection offered by a particular ISP. As an illustration, for the internet connection using a phone cable we need a telephone network and modem digital / analog or ADSL that cost about 100rb rupiah or more depending on the brand and speed. For wireless internet connection point to point using radio waves, we require an initial investment of about 2 million of equipment not included towernya. If we use the connections using CDMA mobile phone provider we need a mobile phone or CDMA modem whose price ranges between 500 thousand to 1 million dollars or even more depending on the brand and speed. If we intend to use a GSM Internet connection, we need to provide GPRS/3G/3.5G/HSDPA modems that cost about 1 to 1.5 million rupiah.
6. Quality of Internet Connection
Material considerations are no less important is the quality internet connection. Choose the Internet connection at a reasonable price with good quality connection. Typically, service quality is directly proportional to price, the better its quality, will be more expensive, so we need to consider carefully. It's useless if we use the internet service at reasonable cost if the connection is not stable, low speed and often broken. Better we dug a little deeper into our pockets to get better service because if the count is calculated costs will be as large or even larger if we use the internet service that bad in terms of time and the volume of data that we use.
In addition to the above consideration, we also need to find out detailed information of existing ISPs in our city by way of asking the friend who had used the service ISPs, the read-read in forums that discuss about the ISP.
Okey, Babeh guess it just once, if there are suggestions, tips, questions or experiences about the internet service you will ever use, please write in the comment box to be useful for other internet users.

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010


Please click here

Is Paying For Traffic Practical?

The internet is a like a playground with many business players clawing at each other to get a bigger share of the market pie. There are many who have gained success in their online endeavour. The irony, however, is that to one successful story, there are hundreds of others who have just spent time and effort beating about the bush and at the end of the day getting nothing out of it.

There are many of us who would blame it on luck. But an in-depth analysis proves it otherwise. It takes hard work to succeed. It is the eagerness and determination to succeed and investing in a lot of hard work and some money that sets the winners apart from the rest.

The essentials

The first and the most important factor in determining success is traffic. One may fail, no matter how well his products or services are, if he has no traffic. Think of any kind of business and you will find that it requires customers. No customer means no profit. In the internet, your customers are the traffic. The more traffic you have to your site, the more is the chance of your products being sold.

But like all businesses, everyone potential customer do not buy. It is the same with online businesses. But it is a known fact that if more people come into the shop; more is the chance of the products being sold.

But now, the question that arises is that how do one generate traffic? For a fact, many big players in the business arena have tens of thousands of traffic per day. However, only a small percentage of people actually buys, which lies in the range of ten to fifteen percent of the total traffic. Yet, this small percentage is normally sufficient to generate a respectable profit.

Many big businesses get traffic by advertising their site. It is common sense to know that the more people that know about the existence of your site, the more will be the flow of traffic to your site. Now, there are many ways of advertising on the internet. Many of those ways are free, but usually generate less traffic. While, there are some cheap paid services like the ones offered by Google and Yahoo. These services, if used properly can generate a high volume of traffic and in a less amount of time.

Search engines

Search engines such as Google and Yahoo are very popular among the people. Who hasn't heard of Google Search engine? For a common man, the best way to find what he needs in the internet is the search engine. This is the primary reason for their high popularity, besides the reasons that they are free and most of them are easy to use. Thus if companies have their website ranked high in a search engine, they would automatically get traffic from the search engine as it would direct people wanting similar services to their website. Thus, it is easy to understand why so many companies are willing to pay for advertising their site in the search engines.

Now, to ensure that people sees your website in a search engine, it is necessary to have your site displayed at the top of the list. A recent survey indicated that people hardly bothers to look at the second page of a search result. So, it is necessary to have your site displayed at the top. This can be done by using a cheaper and a low cost search engine optimization technique or you may pay for advertisements using services like Google Adwords, which will ensure that you will be on the top ranks.

Paying for advertisements is like paying for traffic. Though this may not seem good, in practice; this is a good idea to augment your profits. When paying for advertisements, you get a guaranteed flow of potential consumers and you would hardly ever go with an empty sales day.

Paying for Traffic

In paying for traffic, usually, the service providers charge on the number of hits to your advertisement. This is often called pay per click system. There are also other search engines that charges based on the number of times your ad gets shown. Remember, it is very important that you select the right keywords for your ad to be displayed. There are many tools available on the web to assist you in this.

Always remember that all the money you pay for traffic will in return bring customers that would result in profit. Usually, the profit is much greater than the money spent to generate the required traffic. Thus, paying for your traffic is really a good idea and you can have all the opportunities for profit that it has to offer.

Razor Burned

It should have been a simple task. Just go to the drugstore and buy a razor. Not even one of those highly complex computerized electric razors you need an advanced degree in electrical engineering to operate, just a plain old manual model with which I could joyfully hack away at my face. It was not to be.

Now, I'm a simple guy. I try to abide by the aptly named 'Occam's razor' principle of science, which basically says that the simpler things are, the better. Now I find myself wondering just how many blades Occam's razor had.

I don't know if you've noticed, but the evolution of manual razors seems to be roughly following the same path as home stereo equipment. In the fifties, you had a razor with just one blade, just as you had a transistor radio with that one tinny-sounding speaker. Then came the invention of stereo, and the two bladed razor was born. Two speakers and a subwoofer, three blades. Quadrophonic sound, four blades. Now we are up to Dolby 5.1 surround sound and a razor with an incredible five blades on one side and one on the other. That's right, there are now so many blades on your razor that they can't even fit them all on the same side.

Where will it end? Is there a theoretical limit on the number of blades one razor can support? I, for one, believe that we are very close to the blade event horizon. Critical mass has almost been reached. It used to be that I would occasionally give myself a slight nick while shaving. One false move now and I'll be getting tips from Michael Jackson on which nose to buy.

Perhaps the razor companies just don't understand the concept. Maybe someone needs to tell them that we are just trying to take the hair off of our faces, not make julienne potatoes for a society luncheon while we shower. It's only a matter of time before someone comes out with a razor that has one blade for every hair follicle on your face, so you can shave with just one stroke and then spend the rest of the morning trying to find your lips.

No more, I say. It's time to release myself from the tyranny of blades. This morning I gave myself a clean , comfortable shave without using any blades at all.

Now I just need a new string for my weed whacker.

Top 10 Reasons WHY "RSS Autoresponders" Are Becoming A Permission Email Marketers BEST Friend

IS Permission Email Marketing Is In Trouble?

With the rising concern of Spam Filters/Blockers, Blacklisting, Bounce Backs and CAN-SPAM Act laws, email is sadly becoming a VERY unrealible vehicle to deliver your marketing messages to your customers, Therefore, resulting in "Time Wasted" and "Loss Of Profits".

IS there a solution to this never ending concern for Permission Email Marketers?

You bet there is.

There called... "RSS Autoresponders".

You read right, RSS autoresponders.

They've now taken the newest technology (RSS - Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication) that hit the net and turned it into a permission email marketers dream come true.

And... the cool thing about RSS autoresponders is they work much like a traditional email autoresponders, just with a few different features and benefits.

Time is something I value dearly, as I'm sure you do as well, especially when you work so hard on a email to your subscribers, I would think you would want to make sure it reaches them.

So... for the rest of this article I'm going to give you the...

Top 10 Reasons WHY "RSS Autoresponders" Are Becoming A Permission Email Marketers BEST Friend

... and WHY you should Seriously consider the switch if your a Permission Email Marketer.

The Internet is changing, so we must change with it.

So, with that said, lets get down to business by going to the first and my MOST favorite reason.

Reason #1. 100% delivery rate of your messages.

This is probably the single most BIGGEST benefit you'll receive by using an RSS autoresponder is getting 100% of your marketing messages infront of your prospects and/or existing customers.

Reason #2. Blacklisting is the thing of the past.

Never worry about being Blacklisted again because of someone else using your shared server and sending SPAM emails through it and getting you Blacklisted as the end result.

Reason #3. Forget CAN-SPAM and Email Laws.

You can now forget about all the email laws and CAN-SPAM because now they no longer apply to you because you are no longer an email publisher, your a RSS publisher.

There's a BIG difference.

Reason #4. Subscribers can Opt-In via web forms or links.

This is a critical feature to have with RSS autoresponders because it will allow an easy switch by simply replacing your email web forms with RSS web forms on your website(s).

Plus, this will make sure there won't be any confusion for your potential subscribers with some new Opt-In method.

Reason #5. Personalize your out-going messages.

That's right, you can personalize your out-going messages with custom data fields of your choice, just like a traditional email, giving your marketing message a professional look and giving you more credibility as a professional marketer.<

Reason #6. Write freely with all the forbidden email words.

Now you have the freedom to write using any Word or Phrase you wish without the worry of SPAM filters/blockers intercepting your messages and labelling it as "SPAM", and still have your message achieve 100% delivery rate to your subscribers.

Isn't that great or what?

Reason #7. Unlimited message delivery.

Like I said earlier in the article, RSS autoresponders work just like traditional email autoresponders with the same functions.

What I'm saying is, you are able to set-up Unlimited timed sequential autoresponder messages that will automatically follow-up your leads for you at your desired time or dates.

And, the real cool thing here is, you'll be able to sleep knowing 100% of your messages are reaching your potential customers.

Reason #8. Broadcast as often as you like.

With RSS autoresponders, your also able to broadcast to your subscribers as often as you like with your marketing messages and/or special offers just like traditional email autoresponders.

The only difference is, 100% of your marketing messages are reaching your subscribers, meaning, more profits in your pocket.

Reason #9. Many options for managing your subscribers.

Just like traditional email autoresponders, RSS autoresponders also give you many different options for managing and editing your subscriber lists.

I won't go into alot of detail on this simply because it basically works the same as an email autoresponder list manager.

Reason #10. Ad tracking and report generation.

You can even track who, where, when, what week or month your subscriber subscribed and much more using RSS autoresponders, giving you valuable statistics and information about your subscribers and much more.

I think these 10 reasons I just outlined above are in my mind pretty beneficial to a Permission Email Marketer wouldn't you think?

In conclusion, I would have to say that the BIGGEST benefit to RSS autoresponders is that they GUARANTEE 100% delivery on your marketing message to your subscribers, saving You valuable time and frustration, and giving you the edge you need in order for you to make the most Profit from your broadcast.

The technology is here, so we must adapt.

This concludes the "Top 10 Reasons WHY "RSS Autoresponders" Are Becoming A Permission Email Marketers BEST Friend".

Search Engine Friendly Content Management Systems

What is a Content Management System?

A Content Management System (CMS) is a third party software application which allows web site administrators to add, update or delete content, photos, and documents to their web site in "real time". Many web sites are modified using these web-based tools as they require little to no knowledge of HTML or web scripting languages. CMS programs make it easy for a webmaster or site owner who does not know HTML or have access to a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) HTML Editor, such as Macromedia's Dreamweaver, to update their site.

In today's high paced web world, a good CMS is integral to the efficient operation of a web site. Many webmasters and web site developers are building database driven, or dynamic web sites, which require a third party solution, such as a Content Management System, to update the content that lives in the database. In addition, a CMS allows the web site owner to outsource content development remotely to contract copywriters and other willing contributors. With built in access level hierarchies, webmasters can allow various users to register as authors and start submitting articles and news to be published on their site.

How do Content Management Systems Work?

Content Management Systems create a dynamic web site environment, where all the content is stored in a database or XML file. Using a web-based interface, the webmaster can select which page they want to update and then can modify the web content in a text editor, with many of the familiar formatting keys that can be found in a word processing program. Once the content has been updated, with the simple click of a button, the CMS will turn their text into HTML code and publish the content to the web site.

Problems Between Search Engines and Content Management Systems:

Historically, search engines have had difficulty indexing dynamic pages. While their ability to index and rank dynamic pages has improved dramatically, there are some basic things to avoid. One of the greatest enemies of search engines is URL strings that contain many URL parameters. URL parameters are variables that are passed to the CMS through the URL, which tell it what information to retrieve from the database. URLs with too many parameters generally make little logical sense to the average user and may also scare off search spiders. For example see:

It is suggested to limit the number of URL parameters to two or three per URL to ensure that that search spiders will not have difficulty indexing pages deep within the web site.

Certain URL parameter names may automatically flag a filter on the search engine. One example is the URL parameter names that contain 'ID', such as 'sessionid', 'sid' or 'userid'. Historically, search engines detect the term "ID" and assume it is associated with a session dependant variable. As a result, search engines have learned to flag these parameter names and it can cause problems with page indexing. Passing session dependant variables through the URL is a problem for search engines because the spider essentially sees a unique URL each time they visit the site because the session dependent variables change with each visit. For example, on one visit to the site, a page URL may be The next time the spider visits the page, the URL may be This creates a situation where a spider may think that there are multiple URLs with duplicate content, resulting in penalties which will negatively impact search rankings

Based on the above, it is imperative to employ a CMS that does not pass session dependent data, such as session variables, through a URL string. Doing so will not only create potential usability issues for the end user, but will also result in indexing problems for the search engine spiders.

Finally, search engines gather understanding from your web site's content by filtering through the HTML code. For this reason, it is extremely important that your CMS generate HTML code that adheres to the latest requirements of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Use the W3C Code Validator to determine if your code meets the W3C standards. Be aware that some CMS's add in many lines of proprietary code or JavaScript at the top of the file, which can choke search spiders. This violates a cardinal rule of SEO; 'To always have more content then code'.

Finding a Search Engine Friendly CMS that will Work for You:

Now that we have explored many of the potential problems with Content Management Systems, lets look at how to go about finding one that will be both search engine friendly and suit your specific needs. First you will need to determine what server platform you will be using. Many Content Management Systems use scripting languages and databases that are platform dependant. If you are married to a particular platform, it may limit your CMS options. Ideally, you will want to find a CMS that is platform independent, which can run on any server.

There are many search engine friendly CMS's that will allow the web site owner to generate a URL structure that is both meaningful to their users and digestible by search engine spiders. Instead of having a URL that is packed with parameters, you can create a URL structure that looks like this: Your next step is to check whether your CMS builds HTML pages to the latest standards established by the W3C. Most CMS providers will be able to tell you if their solution generates valid code. If they can't, then ask for a sample page and run it through the W3C Code Validator. In order to rank effectively in organic results of the search engines, it is imperative that your CMS allows you to update your title tags, meta data and alt tags on a page-by-page basis.

The most important aspects of a good CMS are the ease of use and richness of content formatting features. This one is a no-brainer because the very reason that you are looking for a CMS is that YOU DON'T WANT TO CODE. Any good CMS should provide an editing stage that is similar in feature and function to a standard word processing program, such as Microsoft Word. The technical term for this is a WYSIWYG Editor or a Rich Text Editor. This important feature will allow you to type and format your content using standard buttons and keyboard shortcuts. When you publish the content to the live web site, the CMS will write the HTML, CSS and scripting to display your content as it was formatted during the editing stage. Many Content Management Systems are offering additional technologies, such as RSS feed, shopping cart solutions, forums and live chat integration, which can really enhance the functionality of your web site. The key is to find a CMS that will suit your core needs and then determine what add-ons would be beneficial. The ends result will be a web site that is easy to manage and usable for both your customers and the search engines.

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

How To Build A Funny Videos Website

Early on, there were only comic books and video tapes that people brooded over to have a good laugh, but today there are so many websites available for the same. These websites are filled with funny crazy pictures, funny video clips and allow the user to surf through and watch any video they wish to. They can either watch the top rated ones or specify a search keyword and look for that one particular video. However, building a funny video website is not as easy as it seems. If an individual wants to create a website, they need to go through a rigorous process. And so, you can imagine the amount of details involved for a company to launch a website. Their main content would be based on humor and interactive flash games only.

Once a company decided to get into the funny video website category, they will need to assess the other websites already existing in the market and what they can offer that isn't already there. As they discuss these issues with their team, they will also have to touch base with a good web hosting company to figure out if they can use their domain for the upcoming website. A funny videos website consumes a lot of bandwidth, so a dedicated server is usually required for hosting. The one thing to keep in mind is that every step of the way takes a lot of effort, so one must have a clear cut budget before delving into this pool.

A website needs bright appealing colors, simple easy to use layout and most importantly content that will catch the eye of the person browsing through the site. If they find it interesting, they will stop and spend couple of more minutes, else will move on to other websites. A good PHP or ASP programmer can do the customized coding and put in all the necessary links, but it is difficult to find someone who will understand your needs and create a site that satisfies your dreams. The funny images and videos that you put in your site should be unique and be humorous. Some also have the html code for the video to be embedded in other websites, like MySpace or Blogs. This will help your site stand out among the crowd and get people to notice it. Finding interested people to contribute to the funny crazy pictures, flash animation videos will take time for a start up venture.

Will there be categories to sort the videos into? For example, if a person wants to upload videos about his dogs, will your sites have a category labeled "Dog Videos"? This will come in handy when a new visitor is looking for funny videos related to dogs. This makes it easier for them to navigate through your site and find what interests them, making them stick around longer to browse the other features on your site.

Some of the crazy pictures and funny video clips on other sites have the option for the viewer to rate the video, and post a comment. These are added features that allow the user to feel important making them come back to the site. The company should therefore think through their plan and get their facts together before putting their site out to the public. And if it is not interesting, or the pictures aren't funny enough, you will have lost a prospective member. It is therefore advisable for the company to spend time in doing their research to try and come up with an idea to outdo the other funny video websites.

How To Communicate Better With Body Language Secrets

"I don't let my mouth say nothin' my head can't stand." Louis Armstrong

Since the 1970's, learning how to communicate better has had a lot to do with understanding body language.

Julius Fast wrote a book entitled, Body Language in 1970. He talked about a new science called Kinesics. It opened the way to more studies and books on the subjects. Today, the term Body Language is very common and understood as an important element of communication.

In fact, experts in the field of communication suggest that there is a rule that says that 7% of the meaning of what a person is saying comes from their words.

Interestingly, 38% is based on the tone of their voice. 55% of the meaning comes from the body language of the person that is speaking. This rule comes from research that was published in the late 1960's.

Some now think that the percentages from this research might be slightly different. Nevertheless, the bottom line is still the same. If you don't know the basics of body language, you are missing a valuable tool for learning how to communicate better. We speak body language on a subliminal level, without actually realizing that we are communicating through body talk.

1. Face

The most expressive part of your body is your face. When you enter a room if you feel nervous, your expression might make you look aloof or unfriendly.

Smiling at the room is a sure-fire way to remove anyone's doubts about your approachability. Smiling makes us look warm, open and confident. <

2. Eyes

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. They certainly give people clues about what we are feeling.

A direct gaze towards someone can show interest- direct staring on the other hand can mean an intense dislike. Very little eye contact can show that you are shy.

3. Hands

Have you ever watched someone's hand gestures when they are talking? Open hand gestures tend to make a person appear open and honest. Bringing hands together to a point can accent the point you are making.

Wringing your hands or excessively moving your fingers and hands will give away nervousness. It can even make someone look dishonest- are they trying to hide something?

4. Posture

If you lean towards someone you are showing an interest in that person. If we are feeling low in confidence, we tend to slouch our shoulders and look down.

Men and women use different body language. For instance, women will stand close to each other, hold eye contact with the person they are talking to and use gestures.

Men make little effort to maintain eye contact and don't rely on the use of gestures to communicate. Men and women can learn how to communicate better by observing the differences in their use of body language.

in Public Speaking

Build Arm Muscle Today

Build arm muscle is one of the most common goals of aspiring bodybuilders. There is no shortage of advice, either in books or on the internet, telling you how to do this. Here in this article, we will show you how to genuinely build arm muscle.

Tip 1
Train sensibly. Many people who are trying to build arm muscle make the mistake of over training. It is easily done, as the arms are used in so many different bodybuilding disciplines. One good way of ensuring you don't over stress your arms is to leave them until the very end of your workout routine.

Tip 2
If you want to build arm muscle effectively, you will want every single rep you perform to be as effective as possible. The goal is to get as many muscle fibers involved as you can. If you can bring as many muscle fibers as you can into play, you will not only develop stronger muscles, they will be more even and have a better tone.

Tip 3
The correct extension of the weight is critical, but control is equally important, throughout the whole of the lift. The strongest determining factor here is the weight itself, so don't defeat yourself by using a weight which is too heavy. In order to make your exercises as effective as you can, make sure the lift is executed as quickly as possible, while you still have the weight under control. As you release the weight, try to do so as slowly as comfortably possible. If you can make this downward phase take at least two seconds, you will be burning a lot more fat. <

Tip 4
One point which is often overlooked by beginning arm muscle builders is that there is more than one group of muscles, and you need to work them in a balanced way to achieve optimum results. So many bodybuilders who have not taken enough time to learn the craft properly concentrate solely on biceps, which will lead to an unnatural and uneven development, and may even lead to injury. Make sure you learn how to develop your triceps in harmony with your biceps, for optimum results. Don't risk the pain of a torn ligament!

If you have been struggling to gain results from your arm muscle exercises, take the advice of this article on board, and start seeing some real benefits. Check out the links below to discover some more valuable resources.

Impressions of The Rich Jerk eBook

By now, if you haven't heard of "The Rich Jerk", you've either been living in a cave for the past year, or you are extremely new to earning a living online. This guy is everywhere. His offensive approach is enough to repel most, and his website is like a chapter out of "Nightmare on Internet Marketers Street". But you have to admit one thing; this guy knows exactly what he's doing!

Ok, before you even say it, I know what you're thinking... "Great! Another favorable review of The Rich Jerk. Probably another one of his employees." Well, you're only partly right. Overall, I think this guy's shtick is pretty slick, and after reading his eBook, I can honestly say that I've benefited from it. However, I am not one of his employees, and unlike some, I'm not going to say I'm making millions now because of his eBook. What I am going to do is give you an honest overview of his eBook in every day terms and let you decide whether or not it's worth your time and money to look into it further.

Ok, before we get started, let's get something straight. I hate reading long-winded articles about questionable subjects, and I figure the same is true for you. So, if you're looking for an article with a lot of "fluff" and fictitious evidence, look elsewhere. What you're going to get from me is a short and sweet overview, as an honest business man, of "I'm Better Than You - The Rich Jerk's Guide to Making Money Online"

Initial Impressions - The Website
Like I said before, this guy's site is a nightmare! It's stuffed full of so many marketing tricks and terms that I thought I stumbled across the holy grail of all Internet Marketing sites. Like the thousands of other "Get Rich Quick" sites out there, this site just reeks of marketing crap. There's only one twist to this site that kept me reading. This guy's copy is absolutely insulting! I couldn't help but read it. It's hilarious! I don't know if this guy has studied reverse psychology or not, but he sure is good at it.

Initial Impressions - The eBook
After reading over this guy's site a couple times, I was pretty well convinced that his product was going to be yet another waste of time and energy, but I figured that if I read the eBook and could write an informative article exposing this guy, the traffic it would generate for me would more than compensate me for the fifty bucks it took to get the book.

I'll spare you the fifty cent overview of the appearance of the book and just tell you this.. It's done right. The look, the layout, and even the security are top notch. This guy wants to make sure that you get the right impression and that you cannot easily replicate his work.

I was quite amazed at how short this book is. There are nine chapters totaling sixty pages. Even for someone like me who doesn't like to read a lot, this was a very manageable chunk of data. The following is a list of the chapters contained in the book.

Chapter 1 - Creating an Affiliate Website that Sells like Crazy
Chapter 2 - Unique Search Engine PPC Strategies that Kill the Competition
Chapter 3 - Search Engine Optimization Strategies (SEO)
Chapter 4 - Selling Your Own Informational Product
Chapter 5 - Buying Wholesale and Selling on eBay
Chapter 6 - Websites you can Make Profitable Right Now
Chapter 7 - Other Online Ventures to Consider
Chapter 8 - Supplemental Info for Beginners
Chapter 9 - Quality Products/Services I Highly Recommend

As you can see, yet more marketing jargon stuffed into the titles of the chapters. I started to roll my eyes and kick myself for wasting my time, but instead, I decided to read on. I'm glad I did.

I'm not going to waste my time and yours going into excruciating detail about every chapter. I'm not a professional book reviewer. Quite frankly, I'm barely good enough at English to write this article. However, I will give you my overall impressions

This guy either has a split personality, or is exceptionally good at putting on the "Jerk" face on his website. What I found in his book what completely different. It was almost like he forgot to be a jerk and just got straight down to business.

Like many "informational products", this book has a lot of common sense information in it. I'd estimate that at least half of the book is composed of information you can freely find elsewhere, if you feel like investing the time. The other half of the information presented is new information to me, but it may not be so to a well seasoned marketer. I'm a web designer, not a marketer, so I cannot say for sure. I will say that the way the information is presented in this book definitely piqued my interest and made more than a few light bulbs go off in my head.

It's not so much that he was presenting anything to me that was all that earth shattering. It's more of a case of him presenting it in a different way. A way my brain understands and could process effectively. Unlike his site and the chapter index, the book actually had less marketing buzzwords and more everyday language wisdom. He clearly and concisely outlined exactly the steps you would need to take to achieve xyz results. To be completely honest, if you follow the steps to the letter, I don't see how you could not make some money. I wouldn't say you would end up rich, but you definitely could make some extra pocket cash.

The thing that surprised me the most about this eBook is that, while it still heavily focused on Internet Marketing, it contains so much useful information on SEO and starting a legitimate online business. This guy even provides you with a ton of resources, including contact information for wholesale outlets! Whether you're interested in Internet Marketing or not, you might be surprised at what you will find in this book. This guy even taught me a couple tricks about SEO, a service I provide professionally!

Bottom line, if you've got the time on your hands and you're really short on cash, you might want to spend your time on Google researching marketing. Most likely, you'll eventually run across the vast majority of the techniques this guy teaches in his book. Likewise, if you're a seasoned pro, this book might not be a good investment for you as you might only learn a couple new tricks. However, if you've got fifty bucks to spare, or if you are short on time and want to launch your online business quickly, then I personally believe this eBook is worth the money.

I started employing just a couple of the "white hat" tactics outlined in this eBook a couple days ago, and have tried to remain consistent with them. In less than a week, the traffic coming to this site has more than doubled. Given that I'm not selling anything (yet), I'm certainly not raking in the cash. But, I figured, if I'm going to test out this guy's methods, I might as well try it out on a tough market and see how it works. Go ahead, check my Alexa rankings, this guy's tips work.

On a final note... I'm not going to feed you some line of bull. If you are serious about making money online legitimately, there is work involved. I don't think The Rich Jerk would dispute this fact. To see the gains I've seen just in a few days, I had to invest a little bit of my time. However, the time I invested in order to achieve those results is far less than what I had invested before to get less traffic. Essentially, by following The Rich Jerk's tips, I've reduced the amount of time it takes to market my site, while increasing the effectiveness of my efforts. For me, that's well worth the fifty bucks.

You've got my opinion, for what it's worth. Take it or leave it, it's up to you. I know I'll be making more money in 2006.